H i ,
I ' m A n d r e ,
S o f t w a r e D e v e l o p e r
Me and Myself

I am 23-year-old Software Developer based in Singapore. I've always been someone who loves tinkering around with both hardware and software.
I have a serious passion for creating new products with smart user interface and useful application. I have done work in software developement, mobile app creation, front-end/back-end web and robotics.
Let's make something special together!
I love reading books on philosophy, psychology and economics as a hobby.
Since my journey as a developer, I've worked with startups and collaborated with talent people to create products for both businesses and consumers
Along the way, I had amassed many different technologies to add to my collection of skillsets
This collection will continue to grow as time goes on

Iron Drone
Creating a frontend user interface and experimentation with Airsim

A web application for developers to showcase their own games.

Play games to meet your date!

Two Geeks
A mobile application to connect students who wants to study together!

Astar Tutors
A responsive web application for connecting tutors and tutees

RTOS final project
A RC car powered by real time operating system controlled by android application

Minesweeper Duels
2 player game where each player takes turns to reveal a space in the Minesweeper board

CG1112 final project
A robot constructed to navigate and locate casulties

EE2026 final project
A visual and sound system on our FPGA board.

CVWO Todo App
A responsive web application for recording todo

CG1111 Final Project
A robot designed to solve the amazing MAZE challenge.

Intruder Detection System
Using neural network and decision tree classifier to detect denial of service attacks